Human Trafficking Symposium

Save the date! DPSS will co-host a symposium on human trafficking together with the Michigan Medicine Department of Care Management on April 25 from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. The event will be held in Kahn Auditorium in the Biomedical Science Research Building….

St. Patrick’s Day Safety Tips

As we approach St. Patrick’s Day this week, we want everyone to celebrate responsibly. Here are some tips to help you safely navigate the festivities this year. Have a plan for getting home safely If you’re going out to a…

DPSS offering FREE storm spotter training

Do you want to learn more about tornadoes and severe storms? Are you interested in helping protect our community during severe weather? If so, this opportunity is for you! The Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) and the Washtenaw…

Active attacker preparedness and prevention resources

Chances are you’ll never face an active attacker situation. However if you do, you need to be prepared.  Active attacker situations can evolve quickly, often causing panic and disbelief. Knowing what to do in advance increases your chances of surviving. Your reaction matters….

January is National Stalking Awareness Month

January marks National Stalking Awareness Month, and the Division of Public Safety & Security seeks to educate the campus community about how to identify and report it.  Stalking is a crime. Stalking is a serious crime that affects millions every…

Welcome Back Students!

The Division of Public Safety and Security is excited to have you on campus! As you get settled in, here are a few reminders and tips. [embedyt][/embedyt] Add our Contact Info to Your Favorites You never know when you may…

Important to do list before you leave for winter break

Before you leave for the semester break, make sure your residence is secure and safe, so you don’t have any unpleasant surprises when you return. Reminder: Residence Halls close at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 21, 2017. Here’s a checklist…

Third suspect arrested for West Quad armed robbery

The third of the three suspects in a December 4 armed robbery in the West Quadrangle residence hall was arrested December 13. Two others were arrested and arraigned earlier. The alert has been canceled. Takale Ezell, 19, of Wixom, was…

Two suspects arrested for West Quad armed robbery

Two of three suspects in a December 4 armed robbery in the West Quadrangle residence hall have been arrested and each was arraigned on four felony counts December 10. The third suspect remains at large. Brian White, 18, of Novi,…

Sextortion Warning

Two students recently reported to the University of Michigan Police that unknown subjects had attempted to extort money from them in exchange for not publishing explicit pictures or videos online. Both incidents, which occurred November 12 and 14, began with…