
Take our survey and enter to win a gift card!

Are you interested in helping the University of Michigan community better prepare and respond to an emergency situation? We need your help. You can help us by completing a survey that will gather information about your experience on campus related…

Mason Hall Graffiti

The University of Michigan Division of Public Safety and Security has been notified by students and staff about a graffiti message, “School Shooting 4/13,” written on a bathroom stall in Mason Hall. We’ve included an image of the graffiti, which has…

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Activities

The University of Michigan’s Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) will host and participate in a number of activities during the month of April to raise awareness about sexual violence in recognition of National Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Take Back…

St. Patrick’s Day Safety Tips

As we approach St. Patrick’s Day this week, we want everyone to celebrate responsibly. Here are some tips to help you safely navigate the festivities this year. Have a plan for getting home safely If you’re going out to a…

DPSS offering FREE storm spotter training

Do you want to learn more about tornadoes and severe storms? Are you interested in helping protect our community during severe weather? If so, this opportunity is for you! The Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS) and the Washtenaw…

Active attacker preparedness and prevention resources

Chances are you’ll never face an active attacker situation. However if you do, you need to be prepared.  Active attacker situations can evolve quickly, often causing panic and disbelief. Knowing what to do in advance increases your chances of surviving. Your reaction matters….

January is National Stalking Awareness Month

January marks National Stalking Awareness Month, and the Division of Public Safety & Security seeks to educate the campus community about how to identify and report it.  Stalking is a crime. Stalking is a serious crime that affects millions every…