Interpersonal Violence Training Series

MCOLES and the University of Michigan Police Department Special Victims Unit is pleased to present three training opportunities discussing interpersonal violence response. Class sizes are limited, register today!

Training Sessions

Law Enforcement Response to Domestic Violence

Monday, November 4, 2019,  0800-1700

This course is designed to enhance on-scene investigations and increase successful prosecutions.

Investigating Non-Stranger Sexual Assault

Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 0800-1700

The dynamics of sexual assault and victim response, the neurobiology of trauma and offender behavior will be presented. Officers will learn specific techniques for interviewing and how to move beyond the simplistic “she said, he said” with on-scene management, evidence collection and subsequent in-depth investigation practices.

Law Enforcement Response to Stalking

Wednesday, November 6, 2019, two sessions: 0800-1200 & 1300-1700
Register for Morning | Register for Afternoon

An in-depth course on the crime of stalking with the added layer of a PPO or bond violation. Participants will discuss when and where to arrest and what to charge.


U-M Police Department
1239 Kipke Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48109.


Contact: Sgt. Paula Williams