Thank you for your interest in participating in focus groups discussing campus safety!
21st Century Policing Solutions (21CP) will be conducting listening sessions from May 19 – 26. Please see the session dates and times below. Please click on your desired time to sign-up.
All students who participate in the full session will receive $15 in Blue Bucks.
The 21CP facilitators will be looking to gain perspectives on how DPSS engages with the U-M community. Participants will be asked about their sense of safety on campus, their experiences with DPSS, their ideas for how to improve safety measures, hiring practices, and data collection, as well as their vision for a cohesive safety response system across the University.
The 21CP sessions will not involve investigating or reviewing events surrounding any individual case or incident. Instead, it is focused on where DPSS is, where it should or could be, and what pragmatic steps the University and DPSS might take to ensure safe, fair, and effective policing for everyone.
All participation in focus groups will be confidential. 21CP may reproduce themes, instances, or quotes from the focus groups in the final report; however, no identifiable information will be reproduced in the report. DPSS will not directly participate in the focus groups.
This initiative is related to the Advancing Public Safety at the University of Michigan Task Force, which was created in January of 2021 by the U-M president and provost. Since the publication of the task force report, DPSS has worked diligently on several initiatives with both university colleagues and 21CP.
21CP is a seasoned group of professionals who work to help communities transform the delivery of public safety services. Many of their team members served on President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. 21CP helps departments adopt approaches that have worked elsewhere, implement best practices, and establish new ways of doing business that are responsive to community values. We appreciate your participation and interest in public safety at the University of Michigan. Please direct any questions to Alex Pietrantoni at apietran@umich.edu.