Alert ID: 2025-1
Alert Agency: UMPD #25-389
Alert Issued: January 22, 2025
Date of Incident: January 22, 2025, at approximately 7:15 a.m.
Location: Michigan Medicine Pavilion construction site, 1315 E. Ann, Ann Arbor
Offense: Felonious Assault – Stabbing
Summary: The University of Michigan Police Department (UMPD) is investigating a reported stabbing at the Michigan Medicine Pavilion construction site. According to information provided to the police, the victim, who is acquainted with the suspect, was assaulted with a sharp object. The incident resulted in non-life-threatening injuries. The suspect fled the scene on foot. UMPD is continuing its investigation and verifying additional details.
Suspect(s): Black male, 40, beard, last seen wearing brown tattered pants, brown boots, ¾ zip-up nylon dark coat with a hood and neon yellow hoodie under the jacket.
If you have any information, please contact the U-M Division of Public Safety and Security at (734) 763-1131.
- Trust your intuition. Choose an alternative if a situation makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
- If you feel threatened, look for a blue light emergency phone or call 911 from any phone.
- If you see something, say something. Report suspicious behavior. Call 911.
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